Jordan to Turkey – by air
With Syria out of the question to travel through, we have been given World Record dispensation to fly ourselves (and the Touareg) from Jordan to Turkey. We chose the two airports that were the closest possible to Syria to keep our flying to a minimum and driving to a maximum. And so, we arrived at Adanna freight airport and drove the Touareg straight up the back of our plane for the flight to Adana, Turkey.
The Russian crew of the Antanov 74 cargo plane were ready and waiting for us and within minutes of arriving, Rainer drove the Touareg up the rear loading ramp, the crew strapped it down and we were ready to fly. After a quick passport and customs check we were given the go ahead to take off. Flying in a cargo plane is a very different experience to a commercial airline. We were free to sit (or stand) wherever we wanted, either in the cockpit or sitting in the loading area with the Touareg. Naturally, all three of us chose the cockpit for take off and landing which was an amazing experience to watch up close.
The flight was 120 minutes long. Unloading was as quick as loading was, with a few minutes of customs and passport checks then we were free to drive off the airport and get on our way.
We would like to thank to Kuehne & Nagel in Jordan and Turkey as well as Air Charter Services in Frankfurt for their great services.